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Home > HR_Training & Development > How do I access Overdue courses in the MIU Learning Center?
How do I access Overdue courses in the MIU Learning Center?
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How do I access Overdue courses in the MIU Learning Center?

You should have received an email from [email protected] with a link to the MIU Learning Center (Subject: Enrollment Notice), otherwise, please click on this link

When you enter the MIU Learning Center, click on “MY INFORMATION” and “OVERDUE”.

Here, you see your all the courses that are overdue for you. Click on the title of the course to enter the course details.

You will see the content of the course, as shown below (here, the FERPA course). Be aware that a course can have more than one “Learning Object”.

Click on the blue button (GO) on the right-hand side. This will open a pop-up window with the first part of the course.

As soon as the video has been completed, you can close the pop-up window. Back in the course overview, the blue button of the next lesson (or LEARNING OBJECT) will be highlighted in blue.


Good luck!

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